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Kanata Bond Episodes

Ep. 1: Sleeping Beauty, Kanata

Requires Bond Level 3.
As usual, everyone's ready to start club practice, but where's Kanata? You go off searching for her and find her sleeping in the nurse's office.

Ep. 2: Kanata's Circumstance

Requires Bond Level 4.
You head over to Kanata's class to make sure she gets to practice on time, but you can't find her. Where could she be?

Ep. 3: Little Sister, Big Love

Requires Bond Level 5.
As you write lyrics during club, Kanata comes over to you. She tells you all about how much she loves her little sister, Haruka.

Ep. 4: Unexpected Talent

Requires Bond Level 6.
Kanata approaches you in the cafeteria during lunch. She wants you to eat some of her lunch because she made too much.

Ep. 5: Hard-Working Sister

Requires Bond Level 7.
Kanata falls into a deep sleep as soon as practice ends. Everyone's worried because she just won't wake up. You suddenly recall the reason Kanata explained to you as to why she's always sleepy.

Ep. 6: Kanata's Wish

Requires Bond Level 9.
Kanata is excited to have everyone hear her wish at her solo event. What exactly is her wish?

Ep. 7: This Isn't a Dream, Right?

Requires Bond Level 10.
Kanata is in a trance after her successful solo event. What is your reaction to seeing her think about what more she could do for her fans?

Ep. 8: A Bolt from the Blue!

Requires Bond Level 11.
You and Ayumu are eating lunch in the courtyard to enjoy the nice weather when Kanata appears, hysteric, out of nowhere. You ask her what happened.

Ep. 9: Restless Nights

Requires Bond Level 12.
Kanata is sad because she thinks Haruka doesn't like her. She's been too troubled about it to sleep at night. You stay behind with Kanata, who has fallen sound asleep in the club room, and ask her about Haruka on the walk home.

Ep. 10: Kanata's Feelings, Haruka's Feelings

Requires Bond Level 13.
After asking Haruka how she really feels, you decide to call Kanata up to the roof and tell her the truth.

Ep. 11: More, More! Go All Out!

Requires Bond Level 14.
Kanata is staying late after practice every day. She's bursting with motivation after learning Haruka's true feelings and makes a decision.

Ep. 12: Accept All of Me!

Requires Bond Level 15.
Kanata puts all of her feelings into her song and finishes it the day before the live show. She's worried whether everyone will like it, but your support gives her confidence.

Ep. 13: Stronger Than Ever

Requires Bond Level 18.
The live show was a huge success! Kanata is relieved that she was accepted for who she is. Then, she receives a message from Haruka.

Ep. 14: Kanata's on a Roll

Requires Bond Level 20.
Kanata pulls off a hugely successful solo event and makes amends with Haruka! After the event, you get a call from Kanata to hang out.

Ep. 15: Let's Go Fishing

Requires Bond Level 22.
You tag along with Kanata and Haruka on their fishing trip. You decide to head over to Uchiura, where Chika and Kanan decide to join in too!

Ep. 16: Do You Wanna Make a Fan Club?

Requires Bond Level 25.
Kanata is already in the clubroom when you drop by for lunch. Her delicious-looking boxed lunch is all handmade. What goodies are in it?

Ep. 17: Kanata's Sleepy Club

Requires Bond Level 28.
Kanata had originally thought it was too much of a pain to make a fan club, but after hearing that her fans would be at her beck and call, she finally agreed to make one! What could she be planning to do with it?

Ep. 18: A Sleepy Success!

Requires Bond Level 30.
One of the three things that Kanata wanted to do for her fan club was a sleepytime live stream! You wonder how it actually went.

Ep. 19: Kanata in Dreamland

Requires Bond Level 32.
Kanata's live stream was a huge success. Whilst thinking about the next event, Kanata suddenly mentions performing a live show in a dream world. What would a dream world live show even entail?

Ep. 20: Floaty and Dreamy

Requires Bond Level 34.
Kanata's come up with the idea of holding a fairy tale-themed live show set in her dreamland after she's fallen asleep. You and Kanata start discussing the song she'll perform there.

Ep. 21: My Own Playground

Requires Bond Level 36.
Kanata has written some adorable lyrics harking back to fairy tales. Now that her vision for her live show is set, it's time for her to step up on the day of her fan club event!

Ep. 22: A Picnic for Just Us Two

Requires Bond Level 39.
After her fan club events finish successfully, Kanata's struck anew by how glad she is that she made a fan club. One weekend after her events, she invites you to a park.

Ep. 23: Kanata, Female Ninjas, and Full Speed

Requires Bond Level 42.
At the grand school event that is the Nijigasaki Film Festival, clubs hoping to win will screen their films. Each club has asked a School Idol Club member for promotion help. Kanata's helping the Manga Club!

Ep. 24: Starting My Ninja Training!

Requires Bond Level 45.
The Manga Club is making a movie starring a light-footed ninja. While Kanata is usually nothing like a swift ninja, she decides to start training to live up to the hopes of everyone who has tasked her with promoting the movie.

Ep. 25: Ninja Food Review?!

Requires Bond Level 48.
Kanata is trying to experience the world of ninjas firsthand as a ninja girl. Having learned about the fitness regimen of ninjas, the next topic to study is their day-to-day lives! What might that entail?

Ep. 26: For Other People

Requires Bond Level 51.
Kanata has been trying out various things to understand the emotions of the ninja girl protagonist from the Manga Club's movie. But no matter what she tries, she ends up behaving like her usual self. What should she do?

Ep. 27: Kanata the Ninja Girl!

Requires Bond Level 54.
Kanata finally feels like she fully understands the movie's ninja girl. She finishes her song without any trouble and the Nijigasaki Film Festival Eve Event finally begins!

Ep. 28: The Quality of My Sleep Environment?

Requires Bond Level 57.
The Nijigasaki Film Festival Eve Event finishes without any issues. One day, as you enjoy her handmade lunch, Kanata asks you something that's been on her mind.

Ep. 29: Pillow Hunters!

Requires Bond Level 60.
Kanata agrees to help you with your lack of sleep. Today, she'll be hunting for the perfect pillow just for you!

Ep. 30: A Special Pillow

Requires Bond Level 63.
Kanata joins you on your pillow hunt, but there are too many for you to choose just one. You've managed to narrow down the candidates to three, but what does Kanata suggest when you mention this to her?

Ep. 31: I Want a Part-Time Job!

Requires Bond Level 66.
Something she wants has Kanata hunting for a part-time job, but she's having a hard time finding one. What happens when she's about to give up on the idea?

Ep. 32: Leave the Kitchen to Me!

Requires Bond Level 69.
Kanata starts a part-time job at the maid cafΓ© Kotori works for and is put in charge of the kitchen. She is a good cook and quickly learns the job, but then something unexpected happens.

Ep. 33: What It Means to Be a Maid

Requires Bond Level 72.
Kanata's filling in for a sudden vacancy at the maid cafΓ©, but she doesn't know the first thing about being a maid! Time for Kotori to show her the ropes!

Ep. 34: Kanata's Time to Shine!

Requires Bond Level 75.
One day, Kanata is asked to don a maid costume and start working in the maid cafΓ©. She's a little awkward, but… Maybe she can do this after all?

Ep. 35: Kanata and Kotori

Requires Bond Level 78.
Kanata was only meant to be working part-time in the maid cafΓ©'s kitchen, but she suddenly finds herself filling in as a maid. Despite a frantic first day, could she be getting used to and even enjoying it?

Ep. 36: A Maid Working Off the Clock!

Requires Bond Level 81.
Kanata has fully embraced the role of a maid to the point where she can even set Setsuna and Shizuku's hearts ablaze. She's made enough money for her goal now, so is this the end of her job as a maid?

Ep. 37: Kanata's Sleepytime Live Stream

Requires Bond Level 84.
Kanata's sleepytime live stream is super popular with her fan club. But it is not only Kanata's fans who are captivated by itβ€”you and all of the School Idol Club members are under its spell too.

Ep. 38: Harder than It Seems

Requires Bond Level 87.
Kanata is concerned after hearing from a girl who's having trouble with insomnia. She wants to help, but can she?

Ep. 39: A Sleepless Night Together

Requires Bond Level 90.
At first, Kanata thought there was nothing she could do about the problem of insomnia. However, after hearing from you and Ayumu, she starts to reconsider.

story/bond/kanata/start.1678773962.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/03/14 06:06 by Aran (Bot)