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Hanayo Bond Episodes

Ep. 1: Love School Idols!

Requires Bond Level 3.
What does Hanayo love more than anything else? The answer is, of course…

Ep. 2: Hand in Hand

Requires Bond Level 4.
Hanayo was reticent at first, but Rin took her hand and led the way.

Ep. 3: Hanayo's in a Pinch!

Requires Bond Level 7.
You see Hanayo as you walk through Akihabara in the morning, but she doesn't seem like her usual self!

Ep. 4: Shopping with Hanayo

Requires Bond Level 10.
Hanayo seems happier than usual today. What could the reason for that be?

Ep. 5: Friends!

Ep. 6: Practicing for Practice

Requires Bond Level 16.
The bond between you and Hanayo is gradually growing stronger. Though she wants to work at morning practice with you, there's something she's worried about.

Ep. 7: ΞΌ's Perform Solo, Together!

Requires Bond Level 18.
With Nico's help, Hanayo has started practicing for morning practices. Will her efforts pay off in her solo performance?

Ep. 8: Nothing's Going Right?!

Requires Bond Level 20.
Hanayo seemed excited and ready to give it her all for her solo live show, but she clearly appears to be worried about taking the stage on her own. You step in to help put her mind at ease.

Ep. 9: A Solo Live Show Just for Hanayo

Requires Bond Level 22.
Hanayo wants to work hard to prepare for her solo live show, but worries that she may be unable to. However, you come up with a solo live show that only she can pull off!

Ep. 10: Close to Everyone

Requires Bond Level 25.
Hanayo gets to work to create a show only she is capable of, one that makes everyone watching want to become school idols themselves.

Ep. 11: My First Solo Live Show!

Requires Bond Level 28.
Hanayo wants to put on a solo live show that inspires others to become school idols themselves! The big day finally arrives, and Hanayo has practiced her heart out to share her feelings with the audience.

Ep. 12: A Mind-Blowing Message

Requires Bond Level 30.
Hanayo, who set out to perform her solo live show to support girls wanting to become school idols, successfully finishes her performance. She returns to the clubroom and finds a shocking message waiting for her.

Ep. 13: Next School Idol Fair!

Requires Bond Level 32.
Hanayo has been asked to give advice to elementary and middle school students interested in school idols. Hanayo is determined to help future school idols, yet she has her doubts.

Ep. 14: Advice from Hanayo

Requires Bond Level 34.
The Next School Idol Fair is supposed to be an event for elementary and middle school students who love school idols, but Kanata shows up! What advice does Hanayo give to Kanata who wants to be more like a typical school idol?

Ep. 15: Something Only I Can Do

Requires Bond Level 36.
Hanayo continues to give advice to elementary and middle schoolers who are fans of school idols. She even has the perfect advice for Kanata, who showed up by mistake. Apparently, there's one more school idol at the venue, too…

Ep. 16: I'm the Star?!

Requires Bond Level 39.
Hanayo managed to show off all of her love for school idols at the Next School Idol Fair. She now starts working towards Printemps' sub-unit live show, but this time she's to be the star of the show?!

Ep. 17: Interview with Hanayo

Requires Bond Level 42.
Hanayo is working on putting together an introductory booklet for Printemps. She starts by interviewing Honoka and Kotori, but soon the interviewer becomes the interviewee.

Ep. 18: Distant Ambitions

Requires Bond Level 45.
While doing an interview, Hanayo starts to worry that her ambitions are too high. She asks Dia and Setsuna for advice to soothe her worries.

Ep. 19: Precious Merchandise

Requires Bond Level 48.
Dia and Setsuna reassured Hanayo that it's natural to have high ambitions. This helps Hanayo to realize that she wants to perform in the spotlight for herself. However…

Ep. 20: Get Those Feelings Across!

Requires Bond Level 51.
Hanayo has realized that it's important to write her true feelings in the pamphlet for the sake of those reading it as well. She's enthusiastic about making the sub-unit live show a success so she can get closer to her vision.

Ep. 21: The Advisor Hanayo Returns!

Requires Bond Level 54.
Thanks in part to Hanayo's strong conviction to express her feelings properly, the Printemps sub-unit live show closes as a huge success. She receives a visit from someone else who wishes to hear some words of wisdom from her.

Ep. 22: The Hurdle of Ticketing

Requires Bond Level 57.
Shioriko has come to Hanayo for advice. Hanayo decides to recommend her a school idol group to show her more about what makes school idols so great. However, an unexpected wrench is thrown into the works.

Ep. 23: To Be an Even More Wonderful Me

Requires Bond Level 61.
Hanayo has her heart set on taking Shioriko to the school idol live show she highly recommends, but she can't get her hands on the tickets! It would've been a great opportunity, but the missed chance has Hanayo in despair. What now?

Ep. 24: Hanayo's Feelings

Requires Bond Level 65.
Hanayo and Shioriko want to become better people for the day when she can see a live show. Determined to do so, they continue their practice and school idol study sessions diligently. Meanwhile, the day of the lottery redraw approaches.

Ep. 25: Divine Smile

Requires Bond Level 69.
Hanayo devotes herself to practice to forget her conflicted feelings of wanting to bring Shioriko to a school idol show but also wanting other true fans to be able to see it. But then the day of the lottery redraw arrives!

Ep. 26: Forget about School Idols?!

Requires Bond Level 72.
Shioriko and Hanayo finally get to watch Hanayo's recommended school idol live show. You expect Hanayo to be more excited about school idols than ever after it, so why is she saying something that suggests the opposite?

Ep. 27: I Could Never Forget!

Requires Bond Level 75.
β€œI hope that school idol fans know there are so many other wonderful things out there besides school idols.” To find out the true meaning behind those mysterious words, you and Hanayo continue your movie marathon.

Ep. 28: What I Like

Requires Bond Level 78.
Even when watching movies, Hanayo just can't get school idols out of her head. How does she react after realizing that it's more important to enjoy things than to forget about them?

story/bond/hanayo/start.1664086003.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2022/09/25 06:06 by Aran (Bot)