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Ai Bond Episodes

Ep. 1: Ai's World

Requires Bond Level 3.
Ai is energetic and gets along with everyone. As popular as ever today, everyone seems to want to talk to her.

Ep. 2: No One Left Out!

Requires Bond Level 4.
Whether older or younger, Ai has so many friends. So, she invites them all to the club's first karaoke session!

Ep. 3: Check Out My Lunch!

Requires Bond Level 5.
Things are always bustling around Ai, and that attracts people to her. One day, you end up having lunch with her and Rina.

Ep. 4: Help-Help Situation!

Requires Bond Level 6.
Ai loves her grandma and older sister more than anything. You think that's where she gets her friendliness, but what is this β€œhelp-help situation” she speaks of?

Ep. 5: Entrance to a New World

Requires Bond Level 7.
Ai wants to make everyone smile with her school idol performances. On the day of the show, just how does it turn out?

Ep. 6: Ai's Pals!

Requires Bond Level 9.
What Ai wants most is to become friends with everyone, and for everyone who likes her to become friends, too! What strategy will she come up with to make this happen?

Ep. 7: Visiting Ai's House

Requires Bond Level 10.
Ai invites you to celebrate after her solo event ends without a hitch. Where could she be taking you?

Ep. 8: Ai's Sister

Requires Bond Level 11.
After going to Ai's family's monjayaki shop, you see where she gets her friendly nature from. One morning, Ai asks what your plans are after the club. It seems that there is someone she wants you to meet.

Ep. 9: Ai Pals!

Requires Bond Level 12.
You meet Ai's friend Misato, who she loves like a sister. Her request for you to support Ai gives you motivation. Meanwhile, Ai is happy to learn about the Ai Pals group. What exactly is Ai Pals?

Ep. 10: Pretty Words and Honest Feelings

Requires Bond Level 13.
Ai decides she will write song lyrics for the next event for Misato and all of her Ai Pals. This is her first time attempting anything like this, and she finds herself struggling.

Ep. 11: I Want to Make Everyone Smile!

Requires Bond Level 14.
Ai takes your advice and enthusiastically puts her true feelings into lyrics. Meanwhile, Misato wants to see you, so you go to her house where she brings something up.

Ep. 12: My Words, My Feelings

Requires Bond Level 15.
You learned that Misato is the manager of the Ai Pals group and planning a surprise for Ai. Ai is also working on writing song lyrics as a surprise for her Ai Pals.

Ep. 13: Surprise?!

Requires Bond Level 18.
At the event, Ai unveiled a song she wrote the lyrics for with her Ai Pals in mind. Her surprise for her Ai Pals was a big success! But what surprise do the Ai Pals have in store for Ai?

Ep. 14: Ai's Weakness?

Requires Bond Level 20.
Ai's solo event is a huge success! You and Ai decide to head over to Harajuku to watch another school idol group's live show.

Ep. 15: The Perfect Girl!

Requires Bond Level 22.
Ai has revealed an unexpected side to you: She's afraid of thunder. You invite her to go see another school idol live show together, but she appears to already have other plans.

Ep. 16: My Duty!

Requires Bond Level 25.
Ai invites you out on a date after finding you pondering over what to do on the weekend. She plans on showing you around town all day.

Ep. 17: Heated Pun Battle

Requires Bond Level 28.
Ai is always on the lookout for fun things to do. So what's this game she's come up with for everyone to play?

Ep. 18: Ai Goes to the Hospital?

Requires Bond Level 30.
You recently learned of Ai's sweet side, since she loves puns because they make her big sister Misato laugh. One day, the club members worry about Ai after hearing why she isn't at practice.

Ep. 19: School Idol in a Lab Coat?

Requires Bond Level 32.
The reason for Ai leaving early was to accompany Misato for her admission to the hospital for tests. You and Ai come back to visit Misato another day after that. What happens on the way home?

Ep. 20: Cheering Everyone Up

Requires Bond Level 34.
After visiting Misato so much in the hospital, Ai has become quite the popular hospital visitor with the other patients. Thanks to this, she's decided she wants to hold a live show there.

Ep. 21: Sending Out Good Vibes!

Requires Bond Level 36.
Ai has been thinking about creating lots of fun times to bring some cheer to those feeling unwell and decides that she wants to perform a live show at the hospital. Will her fun-filled live show do just that?

Ep. 22: Tears and Smiles

Requires Bond Level 39.
Ai's live show at the hospital was a huge success. Her wonderful show put a smile on the faces of all who watched it. A few days later, you find Ai in the clubroom and approach her.

Ep. 23: Ai's Challenge!

Requires Bond Level 42.
At the grand school event that is the Nijigasaki Film Festival, clubs hoping to win will screen their films. Each club has asked a School Idol Club member for promotion help. Ai's helping the Tabletop Game Club!

Ep. 24: Expand Your Imagination!

Requires Bond Level 45.
The theme for the Tabletop Game Club's movie is a Japanese-style romantic horror! A suspicious shadow sneaks into the peaceful village and chaos ensues! You and Ai decide to read the screenplay to write the perfect signature song.

Ep. 25: The Bewitching Hour!

Requires Bond Level 48.
Ai has figured out what to do for the signature song for the Tabletop Game Club's movie. The theme of the song revolves around a bewitching vampire princess who has lost her way after a tragic love affair. Ai has trouble with this as it means putting on a performance that goes against her usual self.

Ep. 26: Precise Scares

Requires Bond Level 51.
Thanks to Shizuku's training, Ai has learned how to be alluring as a vampire. The song is ready, and she wants to put what she's learned into her performance. However, she's having trouble expressing the dark, horror theme of the song.

Ep. 27: The Vampire Princess' Banquet

Requires Bond Level 54.
Ai captures the atmosphere of her movie thanks to you and Shizuku, allowing her to finish writing the theme song. What will she look like after her transformation for the Eve Event live show?

Ep. 28: Misato's Surprise

Requires Bond Level 57.
The Nijigasaki Film Festival Eve Event was a smooth success. One day, you, Ai, and Misato find yourselves being gently rocked on the train while on your way to an adventure.

Ep. 29: Ai Pals Strategy Meeting!

Requires Bond Level 60.
You, Ai, and Misato meet with Chika and the other girls to enjoy a great day out at the aquarium. To make things even better, you'll be staying at the Tochiman!

Ep. 30: Make a New Menu!

Requires Bond Level 63.
Sometime after coming back from your fun trip together, Ai and her Ai Pals plan a monjayaki meet-up.

Ep. 31: Ai's New Direction

Requires Bond Level 66.
While out shopping for club-related supplies with Ai, you notice that she doesn't seem to be acting like her usual self.

Ep. 32: I Want to Pursue It!

Requires Bond Level 69.
Ai was trying to break some new ground with her puns to please her Ai Pals, but it seems something has dawned on her.

Ep. 33: Forming a Trio?!

Requires Bond Level 72.
Ai invites Rina and Mia to form a three-woman comedy group with her. What do they think about the sudden invitation?

Ep. 34: Comedy Training!

Requires Bond Level 75.
Ai invites Mia and Rina to form a comedy trio with her. Let the training begin!

Ep. 35: Unveiling the Routine!

Requires Bond Level 78.
Ai has come up with a routine for the trio to perform. How will their first attempt in front of you go?

Ep. 36: Let the Show Begin!

Requires Bond Level 81.
Ai is presenting the trio's comedy routine at the upcoming Ai Pals meetup. She's positive it will be a hit, but how will their material go down with the audience?

story/bond/ai/start.1667110063.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2022/10/30 06:07 by Aran (Bot)