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You Bond Episodes

Ep. 1: Roundabout Numazu!

Requires Bond Level 3.
You've come out to Numazu to hang out. As you leave the station, you have a chance encounter with You who calls out to you, and you head out together to see Numazu.

Ep. 2: Get the Prize!

Requires Bond Level 4.
The first place you go is the station-side mall. Inside, you find an arcade and try your luck at a crane game.

Ep. 3: Where to Next?

Requires Bond Level 7.
You and You discuss where to go next over some cake. The aquarium, or castle ruins? This fun-filled day has just begun!

Ep. 4: Scenic View

Requires Bond Level 10.
You both arrive at a very large water gate. Excitement peaks as you look at the beautiful scenery from the observation deck. However, You is rather quiet.

Ep. 5: A Promise for Next Time

Requires Bond Level 13.
It grows late, and it's time you head back to Tokyo. You promise to hang out with You again and make your way through the ticket gate.

Ep. 6: - Another Date!

Requires Bond Level 16.
After a fun trip to Numazu with You, you find yourself thinking you'd like to show her around Odaiba next time. While pondering your plans, you suddenly receive a call from a certain somebody.

Ep. 7: Exploring Odaiba

Requires Bond Level 18.
It's finally the day to explore Odaiba. One other person appears at your meeting spot with You. What kind of day will it turn out to be?

Ep. 8: Performing Under the Blue Sky

Requires Bond Level 20.
The three of you hop off the Ferris wheel and go to a shopping mall. Various events are apparently held at the mall's outdoor plaza. Will the day come when the club can perform here?

Ep. 9: The Songstress Escapes

Requires Bond Level 22.
You's singing attracted more people than the venue could hold. The three of you manage to escape, but where are you headed to now?

Ep. 10: Everyday Miracles

Requires Bond Level 25.
You and You's Odaiba date is coming to a close. It's almost time to go home. The last thing the two of you do is…

Ep. 11: Let's Enjoy Yokohama

Requires Bond Level 28.
You decide to visit Yokohama on your day off. As you're wondering where you want to go, a figure approaches you from behind…

Ep. 12: Yokohama's Landmarks

Requires Bond Level 30.
You're spending some time at Yokohama with You. With so many places to enjoy in Yokohama, where is the first place the two of you head off to?

Ep. 13: Satisfied in Chinatown

Requires Bond Level 32.
Together with You, you continue exploring Yokohama. Your next stop is Chinatown. Its bustling atmosphere has both of you feeling exhilarated.

Ep. 14: All Aboard the Hikawa Maru

Requires Bond Level 34.
Now that you and You have had your fill of Chinatown, your next destination is the large ship you saw from the Ferris wheel. Ship-fanatic You is in her element!

Ep. 15: Goodbye, Yokohama

Requires Bond Level 36.
You and You have thoroughly enjoyed looking around the Hikawa Maru. However, your fun tour of Yokohama is about to come to a close. How will you end the day?

Ep. 16: Ready or Not, CYaRon!

Requires Bond Level 39.
CYaRon! begins planning their live show together with you. However, You can't attend today. Why is that?

Ep. 17: Trampoline Practice

Requires Bond Level 42.
On the way to the clubroom, you spot You. She's headed towards the gym. What exactly is she doing there?

Ep. 18: The Other Side of Perfect

Requires Bond Level 45.
You goes to visit Chika and the gang for the first time in a while. You're all impressed that You has perfected the dance, but also worry that she is working too hard.

Ep. 19: Keeping Her True Feelings to Herself

Requires Bond Level 48.
Chika suggests that they take the day off from practicing for the live show, out of consideration for Youβ€”but You has swim team again today. You all head to the pool to meet her and arrange a real rest day.

Ep. 20: In the Same Place as Everyone

Requires Bond Level 51.
It's the day of the live show and You can't hold back her excitement over how the venue looks. She's in perfect health, but you and the others are still worried about her. You becomes exasperated with all of the concern focused on her.

Ep. 21: Swimming Form Observations

Requires Bond Level 54.
You accidentally mix up the dates you're supposed to be helping with training, and end up at Uranohoshi when You has swim team practice. When you go to the pool to see her, she asks you to check her swimming form.

Ep. 22: A Sacred Pilgrimage

Requires Bond Level 57.
You tell Setsuna that you happened to watch one of the Uranohoshi swim team practice sessions. She expresses interest in taking a look as well, for a typical Setsuna-style reason.

Ep. 23: Hello, Swim Team!

Requires Bond Level 61.
Setsuna insists on watching the Uranohoshi swim team practice, so you join her for the experience. You are both given a warm welcome and decide to watch You practice from the poolside.

Ep. 24: What's in a Name

Requires Bond Level 65.
After an afternoon of observing the swim team up close, you, Setsuna, and You go on a tour of locales that have been used in an anime! For the last stop, You takes the three of you somewhere very special.

Ep. 25: Overflowing Love

Requires Bond Level 69.
While acting as the guide for an anime pilgrimage, You recalls how the Aqours name came to be. With the trip home fast approaching, you and Setsuna go to the shopping district to buy souvenirs.

Ep. 26: Walking the Mountain

Requires Bond Level 72.
It's a beautiful weekend, so you and You are going mountain climbing. But waitβ€”how did this happen? Turns out it all came about when You came to ask you for help.

Ep. 27: Mountains with You

Requires Bond Level 75.
When You says she wants to try a different kind of training, you propose a mountain walk. The two of you swiftly make your way up the mountain trail beneath the blue skies.

Ep. 28: Anywhere with You

Requires Bond Level 78.
You hike up a mountain to train with You. She shows you the beauty of the light filtering through the tree leaves, the cuteness of the mushrooms along the trail's edge, and how the charm of Numazu's mountains lives up to its sea.

story/bond/you/start.1665727505.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2022/10/14 06:05 by Aran (Bot)