
Shizuku Ep. 36: One More

Now that Shizuku understands why the Theater Club president was performing her monodrama, you encourage her to tell the president exactly how she feels. Now, Shizuku returns—was she able to get all her feelings across?


Good morning.


Hi, Shizuku. Did you get to speak with the president of the theater club yesterday?


I did. We talked for a very long time. She told me a lot of things about herself that I never knew…


…But you still don't feel any better?


How did–? How are you always reading my mind like this?


When we were talking, I started to wonder, what does she need to self-reflect for? Surely she's doing just fine as she is.


Regardless of how she's feeling when she acts, she still manages to stir up all sorts of emotions in her audience…


I adore her current performances, but perhaps I'm only thinking of what I want.


Did you tell her that?




What if you did? You two both respect each other a lot, after all.

[Fade in/out.]


I have some big news! I heard that the club president is joining one of the theater troupes!


Wow, hats off to her!


Oh, this is wonderful! We'll have to hold a party to celebrate!

Theater Club President

Hello. Is Shizuku around?


It's you!

Theater Club President

Judging by your expression, I'm guessing you already know about the troupe, huh?


I do! Congratulations!

Theater Club President

Thanks. You know, though, I have you to thank for helping me decide what I want to do with my life. That's why I'm here, actually.


Huh? What do you mean?

Theater Club President

When we spoke before, you told me I'm fine just being myself, remember?

Theater Club President

All I wanted to do was just perform however I liked, even when I was doing the monodrama. I had such intense tunnel vision, I didn't know what to do with myself.

Theater Club President

But then, you told me to keep carrying on. You made me realize I wasn't doing anything wrong. So, I made up my mind, and I'm going to continue performing just as I am now.

Theater Club President

And I hope that one day, I'll be able to find a balance between performing for myself and for others. Just like you, Shizuku.


I don't know what to say…

Theater Club President

So, I'm really grateful for what you've done for me. Well, that's all that I came to say. I'll see you around in the Theater Club, yeah?

[Fade in/out.]

Option 1: “I'm so happy for you.”


I'm so happy for you, Shizuku.


Thank you… It's like a dream come true. I can't believe she said all of that to me…

Option 2: “You really struck a chord with her.”


I guess you really struck a chord with her.


Right! I can't wait to see how she performs in the future!


…Wait. Now I have one more person I'd like to portray in a performance. I'd better hurry up and jot this all down in my notebook.


Please promise me you'll look it over when I'm finished!

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story/bond/shizuku/episode-36/en.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/14 06:05 by Aran (Bot)