Attribute: Cool Music S.T.A.R.T!!
Difficulty Advanced+
Unlock Requirement Always Unlocked
Map DB Link Note Map

Music S.T.A.R.T!! (Adv+)

Song Hints

30k Damage Notes

You can use a Damage Reduction Stack to deal with the 30k damage notes, as they only appear during ACs, where Gd type cards gain +30% Skill Activation chance - which means both kinds of DR stacks can be very consistent.

Damage Note Switch at
4/3/2 Stack 5/4/3 Stack
33 (34) 32
65 60 59
89 84 83 (84)
125 120 119
148 143 142
193 192 (193)
242 237 236
262 257 256

Formation Setups

CSp Fes Ai / CSp Fes Nozomi / PGd Fes Eli

SP Unit SP Unit SP Unit
Brooch (Cool)
Bangle (Active)
Bangle (Pure)
Bracelet (Elegant)
Bracelet (Elegant)
Belt (Cool)
Belt (Natural)
Necklace (Active)
Necklace (Active)

35m S Rank with Autoplay.

4/3/2 DR stack in the blue Strategy to mitigate the damage notes. PGd Fes Eli as a Frontline healer can easily deal with the note damage and any leftover damage from the gimmick notes, even at just LB1 thanks to the Skill Activation chance buffs to Gd type and µ's - matching those buffs for your healer is highly recommended, even if it means you have to go off-attribute.

This was the first formation I beat the song with, but I later improved my score to 43.5m by replacing CSp Fes Nozomi with MLB CSp Party Shioriko, and changing both of the necklaces into MSL Smile Bracelets. Barely enough to 2-shot the last SP AC, and PGd Fes Eli still keeps the team in green Stamina the entire time.

Suyooo 2022/11/30 09:19 UTC

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songs/music_start_advplus.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/30 12:50 by Suyooo