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Screenshot of the Puzzle Solving Festival Localizations page The Puzzle Solving Festival is an campaign by Bushiroad to celebrate SIF2's pre-release, by releasing puzzles about each of the LL! members.
If you want to join in with the puzzling, but have been avoiding them because of the language barrier before, I have localized them here! There's also detailed Localization Notes for all of the puzzles to learn more!

Play Here!!
Story episodes from the special 2020 Countdown Live Dream Live Parade event on the JP version.
I've got news! Aqours are planning to perform a New Year's live show!
Huuuh~!! Aqours are doing a live show!? I'm super hyped! I want to have a live show, too!
Did the Aqours girls tell you about that?
Chika did!
Kasumin also wants to perform a live!
Let's do it then
I really want to, as well!
I'm always ready for a show~
So, it's pretty much decided, right? more
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