
Kanan Ep. 15: The Path Your Heart Desires

You and Kanan have a breather after finishing up work at the shop. What advice do you give to Kanan after seeing her work with such vigor?


Thanks for doing a great job again today! I really appreciate your help!

Option 1: “Thank you for all your hard work as well, Kanan.”


I'm glad I was able to help. I should be giving you props for doing a great job on leading the dive.


It might be work, but I still really enjoyed myself. The customers said they had fun as well.

Option 2: “I only did the simple tasks.”


I only did simple tasks compared to you, Kanan. Not only do you man the shop, but you take people out on dives as well—like you did today.


It is pretty hectic and exhausting, but I don't mind since seeing the happy looks on my customers' faces makes it all worthwhile. I'm glad today's customers seemed satisfied!


They came after seeing the promo video, right? I'm glad that Awashima is steadily gaining fans.


Yup. I hope they keep coming back.


Hey, Kanan? So, about your future… I think putting all your focus into doing what you love is a totally viable choice.


I'm sure you have something you love to do outside of having fun with everyone as a school idol, right?


Something I love?


Yep. I was reminded of it when I saw you working at the shop today. Something you can't live without.


Something I can't live without…


The ocean?


That's right! The ocean! When you're out in the water or even thinking about it, I can see that you're as lively and happy as when you're performing as a school idol.


Considering how much you love it, I'm sure you could live a life together with the ocean as well.


Living a life with the ocean, huh? You're right. The ocean is something I can't live without, no matter what. It's been by my side ever since I was born and I depend on it.


The sea has always flowed towards me my whole life, but now I should live my life by its side under my own volition. That choice never occurred to me until you mentioned it.


I feel like I can see my path forward now.


Really? I'm so glad!


Yeah, thank you. You've opened my eyes to another important part of myself and to the fact that I don't need to compromise to be who I am.


Kanan… It's true that we'll one day have to leave the world of school idols, but the bonds we form during that time won't just disappear.


I won't ever forget these days for the rest of my life. I'm sure Chika and the others feel the same. These bonds we formed will bring us all together again one day.


You know, you're kinda scary sometimes.


What?! Wh-Why would you suddenly say something like that?!


No matter how small the concern or doubt I might have, you always catch on to it and support me to the end. Now I really can't ever leave you.


So, if I take the path to live with the ocean, that means I need to make sure my family's diving shop stays open, right?


That's right. Not only is it your family business, but the diving industry is something that'll play a big role in your life from here on.


That's why it would be really reassuring to have a trustworthy partner who'll look after the shop with me.


A reassuring partner? Hmm. It'd be a difficult task to find one. I feel like finding someone who'll meet your standards would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.


You're pretty clueless sometimes, you know that?


Clueless? Me?


Yup! Anyway! Give continuing the family business full-time some serious thought, okay?

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story/bond/kanan/episode-15/en.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/15 13:50 by Aran (Bot)