Table of Contents
The stat calculation is split up into seperate phases, with mid-calculation results being visible in different places and able to be used again in later steps.
The formulae on this page are not guaranteed to be correct, but instead just aim to be a rough guideline to understand the process.
Base Stats
Base Stats describe the card's stats as seen in the single card view - only affected by leveling, skill tree spaces and Bond Level/Bond Board bonuses. You will see “Base [Stat]” being referred to in-game, mostly in Passives - this is what is used for calculating the effect for those skills.
$$stat_b = (level + skilltree) \odot (1 + bond)$$
$level$: The stat points contributed by the Card Level
$skilltree$: The sum of stat points gained from nodes on the Skill Tree
$bond$: The sum of the bonus percentages from Bond Level (Appeal only) and Bond Board
Formation Stats
Formation Stats describe the card's stats as seen in the Live Formation and Strategy/Accessory screens - passive skills and accessories of the entire Formation now affect the stats.
$$stat_f = stat_b \odot (1 + passives) + (\sum_{Accessories} accstat \odot \begin{cases} 1.1 & \text{if Accessory and Card attributes match} \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases})$$
$passives$: The sum of the percentages of all Passive skills (both Abilities and Insights)
$accstat$: The stat points gained from an accessory
Effective Stats
Effective Stats describe stats during lives, affected by the Guest, Attribute Matching, Gimmicks and Actives from the Cards and Accessories. These are invisible to the player, and are used for most gameplay calculations such as Taps and SP Power.
$$\begin{align}stat_e = & (stat_f + stat_b \odot (1 + guestpassives)) \\ &\odot (1 + actives) \odot (1 + gimmick + buff) \odot (1 + exbuff) \\ &\odot matching \odot sbl\end{align}$$
$guestpassives$: The sum of the percentages of all Passive skills of the chosen Guest (both Abilities and Insights)
$actives$: The sum of the percentages of all Active skills in effect, including Show Abilities affecting the stat (not Base Stat) and Accessories (for example, Brooches).
$gimmick$: The sum of the percentages of active Song Gimmicks buffs and debuffs
$buff$: The sum of the percentages from active Tap Skill buffs
$exbuff$: The sum of percentages from active EX-type skills (for example, Fes Ai's Show Ability)
$matching$: $\begin{cases} 1.2 + bondmatch & \text{if Card and Song attributes match, and the stat is Stamina or Technique} \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
$bondmatch$: The Attribute Matching bonus from the character's Bond Board (note this is only the bonus - the default 20% are already added above with the 1.2)
$sbl$: The sukusuta-big-live bonus if the member is in the current event's featured group (usually 1.2 if matching, 1 if not)
Calculating without Actives or Guests can usually deliver good enough results at the start of a Live while no skills are in effect. For testing other formulae, it is recommended to play without any of this and use this very easy simplification, which is correct if no other factors are active:
\begin{align*} appeal_e &= appeal_f\\ stamina_e &= stamina_f \odot \begin{cases} 1.2 + bondmatch & \text{if Card and Song attributes match} \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\\ tech_e &= tech_f \odot \begin{cases} 1.2 + bondmatch & \text{if Card and Song attributes match} \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align*}
$stat_f$: Stat as displayed on the Formation screen
$bondmatch$: The Attribute Matching bonus from the character's Bond Board (note this is only the bonus - the default 20% are already added above with the 1.2)
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