
SP Skill

Details on SP gauge charge and how the score and bonuses from SP Skills is calculated.

SP Gauge

The amount of SP points gained per tap depends on the rarity of the appealing card, while the amount lost on MISSes and the total required to fill the SP gauge mostly depends on the song's difficulty. The exact formula for SP charge (with Bond Board, Accessories, Skill effects etc) has not been investigated in detail yet.

SP Charge

The formulae in this section are guesses and not confirmed. Also, Bond Board bonus is missing.

$$spcharge_{Tap} = basecharge \cdot (1 + accs) \cdot (1 + type + skills)$$

Rarity Base Charge
R 100
SR 150
UR 200

Tap SP Gain seems to be uncapped in both directions. That means that if you stack too many debuffs, you can actually lose SP per tap. Unlike the Miss penalty (see below), this SP Gauge loss does not stop for filled gauges.

$$spcharge_{Fill\;Skill} = gaugesize \cdot percentage \cdot (1 + type)$$

SP Charge from SP Fill Skills depends on the SP Gauge Size, and is affected by the Sp-type bonus/penalty of the active Strategy.

$$spcharge_{Strategy\;Switch} = 300$$

SP Charge from Strategy Switches is always 300 points and not affected by any multipliers.

SP Discharge per BAD/MISS

1)Difficulty Discharge
Beginner 50
Intermediate 75
Advanced / Advanced+ / Challenge 100

The SP Gauge will not be discharged by Misses if it is filled. Once you're at 100%, the gauge cannot fall below 100% from a Miss penalty. The same applies to SP Overcharge - the gauge cannot fall below 100% if you're over 100%, and it cannot fall below 200% once you reach full overcharge.

SP Gauge Size

2)Difficulty Size
Beginner 3600
Intermediate 4800
Advanced 6000
Advanced+ 7200
Challenge 8400
Exceptions (outside of Story Stages)
Evergreen (Beginner) 2400

SP Power

The SP Power depends on the Appeal and Tech stats of the three cards in the SP group, along with a bonus for matching attributes:

\begin{align*} &cardSPPower = appeal_e + tech_e\cdot1.2 \end{align*} This calculation uses Effective Stats, which means the Attribute Matching bonus only applies to the Tech part, in addition to the 1.2x Tech factor. The following formula is correct if belts and SP Bomb Skills are not used.

\begin{align*} baseSPPower &= \lfloor \sum_{Cards}cardSPPower\rfloor \odot (1 + \sum_{Card}cardSPBonus)\odot\begin{cases} 1 & \text{if no SP cards are on-attribute} \\ 1.1 & \text{if one SP cards is on-attribute} \\ 1.15 & \text{if two SP cards are on-attribute} \\ 1.2 & \text{if all SP cards are on-attribute} \\ \end{cases}\\ actualSPPower &= min((baseSPPower + bombs) \odot (1 + type), SPCap) \end{align*}

$spbonus$: The SP voltage bonus from the Bond Board of the character

$type$: Vo-type bonus/penalty from active Strategy

$bombs$: Total of extra Voltage from SP Bomb Skills used since last SP activation

$beltbonus$: A factor from Heart Belt accessories: $\sum_{Belts}(skillpower*\sum_{Cards}\frac{tech_e}{10000})$ (not added to the formula above because unsure of position/rounding)

$SPCap$: 250k for Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced, 500k for Advanced+, 750k for Challenge.

SP Level

SP Level depends on the rarity of the three cards in the SP group. Each card contributes points, and the sum of these points defines the used SP Level. The SP Level defines the bonuses cards gain during SP Time.

Points per Card

3)Rarity Points
R 1
SR 2
UR 3
Fes/Party UR 4

SP Level Bonuses

Appeal and Skill Bonuses are invariant, but added for the sake of completeness.

4)Points Required Appeal Voltage Bonus Skill Effect Bonus SP Time Duration
0 - 4 10% 10% 3.0 seconds
5 10% 10% 3.1 seconds
6 - 7 10% 10% 3.2 seconds
8 10% 10% 3.4 seconds
9 10% 10% 3.6 seconds
10 10% 10% 3.8 seconds
11 10% 10% 3.9 seconds
12 10% 10% 4.0 seconds Activates special animations

1) Source: masterdata.db, table m_live_difficulty_const, column sp_gauge_reducing_point
2) Source: masterdata.db, table m_live_difficulty_const, column sp_gauge_length
3) Source: masterdata.db, table m_card, column sp_point
4) Source: masterdata.db, table m_live_sp_level

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calculations/sp-skill.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/25 11:13 by Suyooo