This is an old revision of the document!
Note Damage
This formula is not correct yet, as it is missing the flooring. The order of multiplications needs to be investigated for that.
For Research Talk, visit the Note Damage (Research) subpage.
$$damage = base \cdot (1 - accs) \cdot (1 - type - dr) \cdot \begin{cases} 1.1 & \text{if in Appeal Chance} \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$
$base$: Base Note Damage
$accs$: Sum of damage-reducing Accessory effects (Necklaces). See Accessories for Skill Effect calculation - don't forget to multiply the effect given by an accessory by 3, because the skill is applied to all three units of the subunit. A 1% necklace will actually reduce damage by 3%
$type$: Gd-type bonus/penalty from active Strategy
$dr$: Sum of effects of active Damage Reduction skills
Evaluation of damage seems to be something like: deal damage (cap at 0), add healed stamina if a healer procced, then check for game over. That means if a stamina restore procs when you would have died, you instead continue with the amount of stamina the skill restored.
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