
Ch. 39 Ep. 9: An Accompanying Melody

The Theater Club president asks you to create background music for their next performance. While you are fumbling your way through it for the first time, you are invited to stay over and write your music.

Theater Club President

I'm so sorry to be asking so much of you.


It's no problem at all.

Theater Club President

Was your family okay with it?


Yeah. I got permission from my teacher, so they didn't have a problem with it at all.


I'm actually kind of excited to be staying the night at school to write background music.


And besides, I knew that listening to you all while writing rather than just reading the script would inspire me to write some good music.


You always listen to our opinions whenever you write us songs, don't you?


Yeah. It's what I'm used to, so I was thinking of asking to do the same here.

Theater Club President

That's such a relief to hear. Especially since we're asking even more of you now than usual.

Theater Club President

There are plenty of details that aren't written into the script, however. Allow me to explain the aim and intent behind each scene.


Please and thank you!


But before we get to that…


I've got some rough drafts written already. Do you mind giving them a listen?

[Fade in/out.]


I think it's great. It perfectly matches what we have in mind for the show!

Theater Club President

Indeed it does. I didn't think you'd get it so right on your first attempt.


But it's still not quite up to your standard, right?


I'll keep on revising my music until you're happy with it, so just let me know!

Theater Club President

Thank you. Then could you watch me and Shizuku perform to your music first?

Theater Club President

What I want you to pay attention to is that the impression you get from a script isn't always the same as what you get when you see it acted out.



Theater Club President

Shizuku, you've got the other parts in the script memorized, right?


Of course!

Theater Club President

Then let's raise the curtain.

[Fade in/out.]


Wow! There was so much about it that was different from what I imagined when reading the script!

Theater Club President

*Giggle* Right?


I think that for this section and this section, the background music should be totally changed.


I want the music to be more layered as well. Do you think that'd be a good idea?


I want the music to match how the characters feel…to feel strong and graceful.

[Fade in/out.]

Theater Club President

She's very focused on this, isn't she? Is she always like this?


She is. It's as though she's entered her own little world when she's like this.

Theater Club President

I think we'll be just fine letting her get on with the music. How about we take a moment outside so we don't disturb her?




We'll let you get on with writing your best music!

[Fade in/out.]


Hmm. Maybe I should connect these passages more like this.




Wah?! Oh, it's you, Shizuku.


Why don't you take a little break?


A break?Wait! It's already this late?!

Theater Club President

I think it's best if you have something to eat. You've been using up a lot of brain power, after all.


I am starving, now that you mention it.


I have some food. The president and I went and bought some a little earlier. Here you are!


Thanks. …Oh, this is good!


It is? We decided to buy it because it was new. I'm glad you like it.

Theater Club President

We got some dessert for you too.


Oh, that looks amazing!

Theater Club President

Right. I still haven't thanked you for the promo video, huh.


What? Surely we're the ones who need to thank you.

Theater Club President

Nah. I'm the one who needs to say some thanks here. That video really changed us for the better, after all.



Theater Club President

That promo video was really moving. It gave me courage and strength… But it also made me feel frustrated.

Theater Club President

I thought that all the plays we had done up till then couldn't have hoped to move people's hearts like that video did.



Theater Club President

Since this is a school play being put on by students, I think that might have led me to underestimate it and compromise on things.

Theater Club President

So I decided to look deep into myself to address those things. What do I like? What do I want to do?

Theater Club President

That's when I knew that I wanted to be in theater forever, to put on plays for the rest of my life. It's who I am.

Theater Club President

I don't think it'll be an easy thing to achieve, of course.

Theater Club President

But at any rate, I want to challenge myself to do everything I can do. That's what you all inspired me to.

Theater Club President

That's why I want to say thank you. I'm so grateful to you.


Oh, wow… All the feelings of everyone in the school have become one.


You were a big part of why we were able to make such a great promo video!

Theater Club President

You were the one who was leading all of it, though.


All I did was ride on everyone's coattails…


Please! We have 100% faith in your sensitivity to others! That's what we told you before, right?




Then believe us, and in yourself.


Wait, I think I've got it! I know what my music has been lacking! Hold on a moment!

Theater Club President

*Giggle* She's a dependable one, eh?


Yes. Just as dependable as you are!

[Fade in/out.]


How's that?

Theater Club President

I don't know what to say.

Theater Club President

It was amazing! This is the best background music I've ever heard! It's more than I could ever ask for!


I want to act with this music.

Theater Club President

Right, let's see how well your music mixes with our play. Okay, let's go. Raise the curtain!

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