
Old Revisions

These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it.

  • 2022/09/15 10:10 Ch. 23 Ep. 2: Ideals and Goals – Add nav links, remove unparsed silentborder command, make event story titles language dependent Aran (Bot) +318 B (current)
  • 2022/08/27 17:50 Show differences to current revisions Ch. 23 Ep. 2: Ideals and Goals – First full automatic story parsing test - all main story chapters Aran (Bot) +7.5 KB
story/main/chapter-23/episode-2/en.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/15 10:10 by Aran (Bot)