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You Ep. 29: School Idol Obsession!

You is having a difficult time deciding on the costumes for the next live show. The two of you watch some videos of other school idols for inspiration.


A traditional sparkly and fluffy one, a stylish uniform, or something punk rock-style with a lot of impact… Hmm, which to choose…


How about just going with something that looks more casual?


Gwaaah! They all look like they'd be great. I can't choose! How am I supposed to pick the costumes for the next live show like this?!


What kind of song are you gonna sing? A lot of people choose the costume design based on the song. Let's see if it'll help us.


A cute, cool song that has a big impact.


Ugh, that just makes it harder to choose…


What if I make a few different types of costumes and we change them out quickly throughout the performance?


You mean while singing just the one song? Um, that sounds a bit too hard to pull off…


Ahhh, seriously, what should I do? I feel like my head will explode from thinking too much…


Let's take a quick break. Here, have some tea. And some snacks too.


Thank you! Don't mind if I do…

[Fade in/out.]


*Munch* Mm, this cookie is so yummy.


Wow, so cool…!


What are you watching, You? A video?


Oh, yeah. A school idol video. I wanted to see what kinds of costumes other girls are wearing.

Option 1: “I guess there is a limit to what you can come up with in your head all by yourself.”


Ah, I see. I guess there is a limit to what you can come up with in your head all by yourself, huh…


I can feel my brain getting stimulated big time! All of these school idol costumes are amazing!

Option 2: “Did you see any designs that you liked?”


Did you see any designs that you liked?


Yep. They're super adorable! They're all wonderful designs that double or triple the charm of the songs, the dances, and above all, the school idols themselves!


Some have variations to match the uniqueness of each member, or, look here… This group's costumes have their original logo engraved on the buttons!


Wow, they're all super high quality, huh. Just the costumes alone are enough to get you excited. The group in this video also—


Ahhh! This group has some super amazing songs!


Huh, the songs?


When I listen to them, their songs hit me so hard, like the music is piercing my very heart and soul. It's just so moving! I hope I can learn to sing like that!


Also, the way the school idols dance in this video is super clean! Look at how they make this turn here… How do they do it so smoothly?! I wish I could do that!


This girl here's expressiveness is nothing short of divine! She doesn't move around as much, but it's like her whole body is overflowing with the joy of singing!


Haha, you're just having fun watching school idol videos at this point.


Ah! B-But I was paying attention to the costumes too, I swear! They're cool and cute, yet they never distract from the dance moves… They're all so well-designed!


Every one of those school idols took their performances seriously and gave it their all. I can totally tell how much they love being school idols.


I also felt it. The costumes, the singing, the dancing… Everything about them screams, “We love school idols”! They're just like us!

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story/bond/you/episode-29/en.1669701993.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/29 06:06 by Aran (Bot)