

All of these describe attributes of the note objects in the live_notes array of a server note map response (live/start, live/resume, coopLive/start, coopLive/create)

Note Types

Stored in the note_type attribute.

ID Mission
1 normal note
2 hold
3 release
4 AC start*
5 AC end*

* Types 4 and 5 are invisible in-game. They do not count towards combo or voltage. These notes only serve to mark the boundaries of ACs, and are placed up to 2 msec before or after the actual start/finish note of the AC.

Note Actions

Stored in the note_action attribute.

ID Action
1 tap
4 swipe up
5 swipe down
6 swipe left
7 swipe right

Gimmick Triggers

Stored in the note_gimmick_type attribute of the corresponding note_gimmicks item. Can also be found in the database table m_live_difficulty_note_gimmick, column note_gimmick_type.

ID Trigger
2 on miss (BAD or MISS)
3 always (no matter what timing)
4 on hit (WONDERFUL, GREAT or NICE) with Vo-type card as appealing card
5 on hit (WONDERFUL, GREAT or NICE) with Sp-type card as appealing card
7 on hit (WONDERFUL, GREAT or NICE) with Sk-type card as appealing card

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internals/notes.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/18 17:08 by Suyooo