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This tool allows you to check any text against the word filter of LLSIF. Filtered words will be marked red.


The word lists for this checker are based on the LLSIF pool. Want to check for problems with SIFAS profiles instead? Go to the SIFAS Bad Words Checker.

The list of words being checked is taken from the original checker by Caraxian and GrygrFlzr. It should be complete for all words of six or fewer letters. Note that the numbers 69, 70, 80, 90 are blocked on JP only (to disallow phone numbers). If you have a message that gets blocked in the game but reports no problems here, let me know, and I'll find out what's wrong: @Suyo_ on Twitter or Suyooo#7026 on the SIF Discord or the r/LL Discord.

The raw list of blocked words is available too, but obviously, a content warning: there's all kinds of slurs and offensive words in various languages. You can find the bad word list here. (Chrome and it's derivatives just show it raw and ugly, use Firefox instead (that's advice in general too))