Dhaos [Final Form]
Tales of Phantasia
22700 2500 2230
Finish MA Magic Type
Bond Awakenable
22700 2500 2230
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Magic
While the first OL bar is filled, change arte set and gain 5000 max HP, 500 Attack power and 500 Defense power
EX Skill
The effect of Frame Attack bonuses increases by 30% and Frame OL bonuses charge an additional 2 points for all Fire units
Arte 1: 200% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
BP: Hit count increases by 4
Arte 2: 250% of damage to one enemy (2 hits)
BP: Deal an additional 50% of break gauge damage
Arte 3: 300% of damage to one enemy (3 hits)
BP: Deal an additional 50% of break gauge damage
While in Final Form
Arte 1: 250% of damage to all enemies (6 hits)
BP: Heal this unit for 20%
Arte 2: 300% of damage to all enemies (12 hits)
BP: Increase attack power of this unit by 25% (2 turns)
Arte 3: 500% of damage to one enemy (20 hits)
BP: Increase attack power of all Fire party units by 50% (current turn)
Mystic Arte
Finish MA: 780% of damage to one enemy (1 hits)
BP: Increase defense power of this unit by 25% (4 turns)
OL Charge: 45 (avg. 3.67 turns)
EX Mystic Arte
Finish MA: 1450% of damage to one enemy (1 hits)
BP: Decrease defense power of one enemy by 15% (2 turns)
OL Charge: 100 (45 + 55, avg. 6.53 turns)
Co-op Skill
High Fire Shot 5
395% of magical Fire damage
+Max HP
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MA Type
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