Ka-chan [Guardian]

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Battle Stats
  Level 70 Level 90
Max HP 16300 17400
Attack 940 1000
Defense 1600 1710

Chance: 30%
Increase defense power of all party units by 10%
Chance: 20%
Heal this unit for 50%

Mystic Arte
Heal + Quick Charge MA
Heal all party units for 30%
OL Charge: 13 (avg. 1.94 turns)
* assuming matched frame every turn

Co-op Type
Defense (big boost to DEF, boost to Max HP)

Co-op Stats
Max HP 30450 (+ 13050)
Physical ATK 1060  
Magical ATK 902  
Physical DEF 3660 (+ 1830)
Magical DEF 2998 (+ 1499)

Co-op Skill
High Guard 1
Reduce damage taken by your party from the boss' next attack by 70%
Cooldown: 85 seconds

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