In-game ID
Battle Stats
Level 80 | Level 100 | |
Max HP | 18600 | 19600 |
Attack | 1900 | 2000 |
Defense | 1900 | 2000 |
Chance: 15%
Chance: 15%
Arte Use
195% of damage to one enemy (2 hits)
Chance: 35%
Chance: 35%
Arte Use
150% of damage to one enemy (2 hits)
Chance: 35%
Chance: 35%
Arte Use
145% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
Mystic Arte
Mixed MA
Mixed MA
MA Ready
MA Use
420% of damage to one enemy (30 hits)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 4.01 turns)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 4.01 turns)
* assuming matched frame every turn
Co-op Type
Defense (big boost to DEF, boost to Max HP)
Co-op Stats
Max HP | 34300 | (+ 14700) |
Physical ATK | 2070 | |
Magical ATK | 1638 | |
Physical DEF | 4140 | (+ 2070) |
Magical DEF | 3160 | (+ 1580) |
Co-op Skill
Cross Counter 2
Reflect a part of damage taken by your party back at the boss for 60 seconds
Cooldown: 360 seconds
Cooldown: 360 seconds
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