In-game ID
Battle Stats
Level 70 | Level 90 | |
Max HP | 17800 | 18900 |
Attack | 1720 | 1820 |
Defense | 1260 | 1330 |
Chance: 30%
Chance: 30%
Arte Use
140% of damage to one enemy (3 hits)
Chance: 20%
Chance: 20%
Arte Use
200% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
Mystic Arte
Mixed MA
Mixed MA
MA Ready
MA Use
450% of damage to one enemy (27 hits)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 4.24 turns)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 4.24 turns)
* assuming matched frame every turn
Co-op Type
Attack (small boost to Max HP, Physical ATK and DEF)
Co-op Stats
Max HP | 33075 | (+ 14175) |
Physical ATK | 3040 | (+ 1140) |
Magical ATK | 1447 | |
Physical DEF | 2070 | (+ 690) |
Magical DEF | 1559 | (+ 520) |
Co-op Skill
Fast Wind Attack 3
60% of physical Wind damage
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Cooldown: 25 seconds
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