In-game ID

Battle Stats
  Level 70 Level 90
Max HP 15400 16300
Attack 1500 1590
Defense 1770 1870

Chance: 30%
Arte Use Arte Use
115% of damage to one enemy (5 hits)
Chance: 20%
Arte Use Arte Use
Heal all party units for 40%

Mystic Arte
Time Stop MA
MA Ready MA Ready
MA Use MA Use
Delay the enemy attack and stop the turn counter for one turn (hit gauge is reset to 0)
In Co-op Battle: Freeze the boss for 15 seconds
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 4.31 turns)
* assuming matched frame every turn

Co-op Type
Magic (big boost to Magical ATK)

Co-op Stats
Max HP 16300  
Physical ATK 1368  
Magical ATK 3340 (+ 1670)
Physical DEF 1457  
Magical DEF 1960  

Co-op Skill
Light Shot 3
190% of magical Light damage
Cooldown: 50 seconds

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