TOF 2017 Event and Login Bonus
Event: Reclaim the Memorial Gifts!
New Unit
Tales of Zestiria
17300 1780 2360
Hit MA Defense Type
17300 1780 2360
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Defense
Arte 1: 170% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
Arte 2: 150% of damage to one enemy (6 hits)
Arte 3: Increase defense power of all Earth party units by 30%
Mystic Arte
Hit MA: 250% of damage to one enemy (55 hits)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 3.58 turns)
Co-op Skill
Guard 3
Reduce damage taken by your party from the boss' next attack by 55%
New Unit
Tales of Zestiria
18700 1920 2540
Hit MA Defense Type
18700 1920 2540
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Defense
EX Skill
All Earth units at full health gain 25% Defense power
Arte 1: 170% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
Arte 2: 150% of damage to one enemy (6 hits)
Arte 3: Increase defense power of all Earth party units by 30%
Mystic Arte
Hit MA: 250% of damage to one enemy (55 hits)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 3.58 turns)
EX Mystic Arte
Hit MA: 250% of damage to one enemy (80 hits)
OL Charge: 70 (40 + 30, avg. 5.88 turns)
Co-op Skill
Guard 3
Reduce damage taken by your party from the boss' next attack by 55%
Tales of Festival 2017 Login Bonus
New Unit
Tales of Symphonia
21100 1890 1900
Mixed MA Attack Type
(Bond) Awakenable
21100 1890 1900
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Attack
Arte 1: 140% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
Arte 2: 170% of damage to all enemies (4 hits)
Arte 3: Increase defense power of this unit by 60%
Mystic Arte
Mixed MA: 420% of damage to one enemy (25 hits)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 3.78 turns)
Co-op Skill
Wind Attack 4
165% of physical Wind damage
Awakening Partner
New Unit
Tales of Symphonia
24200 2200 2210
Finish + Hit MA Attack Type
Bond Awakenable
24200 2200 2210
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Attack
EX Skill
Frame Heal bonuses heal an additional 20% and the effect of Frame Defense bonuses increases by 50% for all Wind units
Arte 1: 140% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
BP: Hit count increases by 2
Arte 2: 170% of damage to all enemies (4 hits)
BP: Deal an additional 30% of damage
Arte 3: Increase defense power of this unit by 60%
BP: Increase Defense power by an additional 20%
Mystic Arte
Mixed MA: 420% of damage to one enemy (25 hits)
BP: Deal an additional 50% of damage
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 3.53 turns)
EX Mystic Arte
Finish + Hit MA: 750% of damage to one enemy (44 hits)
BP: Deal an additional 50% of damage
OL Charge: 70 (40 + 30, avg. 5.8 turns)
Co-op Skill
Wind Attack 4
165% of physical Wind damage
+Max HP