New Year 2018 Event
Event: Happy New Year! Elle’s Kimono Battle
New Unit
Agria [Kimono]
Tales of Xillia
18200 2200 1790
Mixed MA Attack Type
18200 2200 1790
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Attack
Arte 1: 130% of damage to one enemy (4 hits)
Arte 2: 200% of damage to one enemy (2 hits)
Arte 3: 190% of damage to all enemies (7 hits)
Mystic Arte
Mixed MA: 480% of damage to one enemy (28 hits)
OL Charge: 40 (avg. 3.55 turns)
Co-op Skill
Fire Attack 3 + Luck Heal
150% of physical Fire damage, plus a 40% chance to heal your party by 25%
New Unit
Elle [Kimono]
Tales of Xillia 2
17100 1170 1720
  Defense Type
17100 1170 1720
+ 20 Bonus Levels
Co-op Type: Defense
Arte 1: Increase attack power of all party units by 5%
Arte 2: Heal this unit for 40%
Arte 3: Decrease attack power of one enemy by 3%
Co-op Skill
Fast Heal 2
Heal your party for 20%